
An Invitation

Actually, before I get to the invitation part, let me give you a little backstory. I’ve been told about eighty gabillion times in the past few years that I need to focus on self-care because I can't pour from an empty cup. And I've got to be honest - it pisses me off every damn time I hear it. But lately, it has me thinking. And Googling. Because those things almost always go hand in hand. I Googled self-care and this Forbes article about its importance popped up. The article seemed really approachable and from a reputable source, so I started reading. The author writes that I can get started on my self-care in ten easy steps. I can just begin with a run or light jog, a little meditation and taking a break when needed. The article goes on to tell me to laugh, eat green daily, avoid emotional eating, journal, say no and avoid overthinking. Well hot damn, that does sound like ten easy steps. If I could just do all of those things, my life would be so awesome and my cup would be
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